- Check out your local Parks & Rec Department for free or nearly free programs for your children. Our town offers Open Art and Open Gym once per week at $1.00 per session, Picnic with Professionals once per week at a local park for free (police officers, fire fighters, SPCA reps), all sorts of sports programs for an average cost of $3.00 per week, art programs, nature programs, preschool cooking, gymnastics, and so much more!
- If you have museums nearby, visit their websites to learn about children's programs over the summer. We have 5 different museums in town here and each one is offering some type of summer fun day for preschoolers. Most are free!
- One of my favorites is visiting a farmer's market - the sites, smells, and tastes are always a hit with little ones. This season is wonderful for picking your own fresh fruit. We have strawberry, blueberry, and blackberry fields nearby and will be visiting them all soon.
- Spend some time on Google looking for a mom's bulletin board in your local area. This one for Raleigh was started last year and is a great resource.
- Libraries!!! Oh my goodness - did you know that libraries have so much more than books now?
Most of all - ENJOY your time with your children this summer!
I agree about taking full advantage of the summer. We live in Alaska so our summers are too short as it is... I would think being outside all day would keep my house cleaner, but with two trouble makers (a 3 yr old and 18mo old) it doesn't seem to be shaoing up that way!